Solutions for active and passive monitoring of 2G, 3G, 4G, IMS, VOIP and 5G telecommunications networks
Maximize the performance, technologies and services of your network efficiently
Modern communications networks and the services they deliver are growing more and more over time.
TLC companies need to improve operational efficiency and customer experience through the use of big data, artificial intelligence and advanced monitoring tools.
The network becomes foundational to business success. There is a strong emergence of the need to find the tools to perform network and service monitoring that can best integrate, perform analytics and manage large amounts of data in real time.
The objective of TLC operators, ISPs and broadcasters is to allow users to access and use all communication, messaging, information and entertainment services anytime and anywhere. It becomes an obligation to monitor network performance, paying attention to QoE (Quality of Experience) issues.
A 360° Network & Service Performance Monitoring approach becomes a mission-critical for companies that base their reputation on the reliability and customer experience of their networks.
Discover 360° network monitoring & services

GEMINI-NET™ is the technology that RESI Informatica offers for active and passive monitoring of networks and communication services, used in old and new generation networks.
The GEMINI-NET™ platform is an integrable, modular and scalable OSS system for real-time monitoring of all needs related to typical network services and infrastructure issues, capable of optimizing resources and data traffic on the network.

- Perform effective troubleshooting
- Understand how users behave via proprietary IPR
- Improve perceived service quality

- Perform effective troubleshooting
- Understand how users behave via proprietary IPR
- Improve perceived service quality
GEMINI-NET™ is a complete, mature, multi-service platform, capable of managing and analyzing the behavior of networks and services throughout their entire lifecycle, thus ensuring high standards of QoS (Quality of Service), managing and analyzing large amounts of data in real time.

GEMINI-NET™ analyzes the traffic on the network by identifying different applications and protocols used.
GEMINI-NET™ has a powerful traffic classification engine that can appropriately identify thousands of protocols used by the applications.
Through a user-friendly dashboard, this information can be used to:
- Determine which applications affect network the most in terms of total traffic volume or bandwidth usage
- Verify the overall traffic trend on a real-time basis
- Identify the most critical links and prevent any inadequate bandwidth
- Provide indicators such as Round Trip Delay, lost packages, crossing time, network congestion states and much more.

Usage allow you to fully understand the type of usage that users or groups of users make of the network.
The information acquired allow to understand customers' behaviours and to forecast future network evolutions, in order to propose new commercial offers.
Examples of reports that can be calculated are:
- Number of simultaneous users deployed over time (hour by hour) that carried out traffic from or to specific directions
- Bandwidth occupied by P2P traffic for users of a particular type of contract (eg. flat)

Even the most protected systems are subject to malfunctions in security devices, unauthorized accesses, and attempted attacks. To understand what occurred and decide which countermeasures to adopt, a "post-event" analysis is indispensable, enabling companies to have a clear sight of the event.
Network forensic is the discipline that deals with the reconstruction of events by using systems that can record activities on the network on different devices by correlating different information to generate alerts. Tracking activities performed on the network by users, transactions to and from certain systems etc. is generally called auditing.
GEMINI™ field of applications for auditing purposes are:
- Legal purposes (reconstruct all the activities of a particular user)
- To ensure the confidentiality of sensitive data (verify that the access to sensitive data has only occurred by authorized entities).

Performance Management activities during the delivery of a service are essential to guarantee customers with a certain level of quality of the service. Always more often users complain of slowness or inability to use. The possible causes of these problems are many and most of the times difficult to detect:
- Overloading or unavailability of servers that deliver the service (server or application dependent)
- Excessive traffic on one of the network tracts between the client and the server (network dependent)
- Insufficient or excessively slow computers (client dependent)
GEMINI-NET™, through the extraction of a set of metrics, is able to highlights immediately the causes of slowdowns, allowing operators to quickly solve the issue and ensure a quick return to the optimal levels of QoS.
GEMINI-NET™ metrics are calculated at levels 3, 4, and 7 of the ISO/OSI stack through a completely passive approach, without using simulators or agents to be installed on the user's computer.

Quick troubleshooting tasks are essential if networks or applications are slowed down.
In case of slowdown of networks or applications, it is necessary to identify the causes of the problems immediately activating troubleshooting tools.
GEMINI-NET™ has a wide range of tools that allows to the user an easy troubleshooting of these problems.

Quality of service Management (QoS) is the main tool through which the service provider can verify if the service works properly for specific users or class of users. Quality of Service Management is typically carried out by identifying key performance indicators (KPIs). The indicators provide a quantitative measure of the quality of the service, monitoring the adherence to the intervals considered acceptable and, if necessary, alerting the operators.
GEMINI-NET™ has a large number of predefined KPIs for basic services and allows the operator to define independently new custom KPIs.
Examples of predefined indicators are the MOS assigned to each VoIP call or the MDI for streaming video streaming service.
The creation of a new KPI by the operator can be done through simple math operators (sum, multiplication, minimum, maximum, average, etc.) applied to the information contained in the CDR/IPDR tags.
L’analisi della qualità del servizio (QoS) rappresenta lo strumento principale attraverso cui il fornitore di servizio può verificarne il corretto funzionamento per utenti specifici o classi di utenti. L’analisi della qualità del servizio è effettuata definendo tipicamente degli indicatori efficaci denominati Key Performance Indicators (KPI) in grado di fornire un elemento di valutazione sulla qualità del servizio erogato. Gli indicatori forniscono una misura oggettiva e quantitativa della qualità del servizio, verificando l’aderenza o meno rispetto agli intervalli ritenuti accettabili, segnalando se necessario gli eventi di attenzione agli operatori.

To determine the delivery level of a service, it is necessary to analyze:
- Availability of the service, expressed as percentage of usable time by the users
- The service performance measured through quality indicators
Either information are fundamental since, for example, a service might be active, but qualitatively inadequate or vice versa performance might be acceptable but with an unavailability period.
Service Level Management (SLM) combines the elements mentioned above with the time factor. The level of a service is measured as a percentage of the number of occurrences where the availability or performance of the service falls within certain ranges of values.
GEMINI-NET™ provides the operator with several service level management features. For each KPI the operator can define service ranges associated with the service level. The system also defines thresholds for service levels to alert the operator of cases where the level drops below certain quality standards.
GEMINI-NET™ analyzes the traffic on the network by identifying different applications and protocols used.
GEMINI-NET™ has a powerful traffic classification engine that can appropriately identify thousands of protocols used by the applications.
Through a user-friendly dashboard, this information can be used to:
- Determine which applications affect network the most in terms of total traffic volume or bandwidth usage
- Verify the overall traffic trend on a real-time basis
- Identify the most critical links and prevent any inadequate bandwidth
- Provide indicators such as Round Trip Delay, lost packages, crossing time, network congestion states and much more.