Complete monitoring of contact center activities with a view to improving performance.
Primary objective of the Contact Center Quality Monitoring platform is to optimize the interactions between customer and operator of the Contact Center. The quality monitoring of the operators speech it is used to determine the overall quality of a single operator within the Contact Center.
The aim is to improve communication with customers through a better trained staff.
In order to better satisfy the client and to verify the quality of the services supplied by the Contact Center, the platform provides automatized systems and processes (phone call recordings, operator's desktop video recording).
Thanks to the Vocal Order tool the platform is able to validate the contract made through phone.

DIRECT™ it is the complete platform for Contact Center Quality Monitoring. The system allows the provider of the Contact Center service to manage the whole process integrating it to the existing technological architecture.
DIRECT™ records and manage the phone conversations (inbound, outbound, Vocal Order) and other activities carried on by the operators.

- Maximize Customer Experience
- Improve Business processes
- Optimize costs

- Maximize Customer Experience
- Improve Business processes
- Optimize costs
360° Contact Center monitoring
The platform is able to validate contracts made via the telephone procedure (Vocal Order) and with algorithms and automated processes for checking the contracts made.
The main features are:
- Multi-site and multi-technology (VoIP and TDM) audio recording on multiple interfaces
- Video Recording of the Contact Center operator in sync with audio recording through proprietary agent
- Automatic Speech Analytics (Speech-To-Text, Trend Topics, Speech Analytics) through transcription, indexing and categorization of the phonics
- Vocal Order Management (automatic verification and validation of tele-selling operations)
- Quality Assurance of the Contact Center
- Workforce Optimization to improve the productivity of the operators and to detect potential gaps
- Tutoring and training of operators
- Profiling and/or anonymization: tracking of transactions made through a logging system, access to data only to authorized operators, alteration of the voice of the interlocutors, cripting of files containing the recordings, reproduction of the files (audio and video) only inside of the system itself
- Morphing through the alteration of the speaker voice
- Reporting and statistics on quality data CC service and on results checks and verifications; KPI and KQI processing

Multi-site registration of analog and or digital telephony as well as Call Center interactions from / to customers (inbound/outbound).
This allows, through the function of speech analytics to have a global view of the activities carried out by the Contact Center so that it can easily optimize any deficits.

Video recording of operators' desktop activities, in synchrony with telephone record.
This system exponentially increases the analyst's ability to analyze the operator's activities.
Having the opportunity to observe the steps taken, the task of introducing new best practices and spreading the know-how of the single operator within the company is extremely facilitated.

Monitoring the processes of the Call Center has the ultimate goal of increasing service quality and end-user satisfaction.
Managing the performance and work done by the operators is a way to increase significantly these important KPIs.

Operator performance and process management, being those audio, video or documental resources tied to external sources are essential to support multilevel evaluations.
This is helpful to achieve your goals efficiently and timely with resource alignment and performance measurement.

In order to improve performance and to reduce operating costs associated with an ineffective business process management, the Workforce Optimization Tool is conceived to improve the customer experience.
Thanks to a careful customer interaction analysis you can leverage the information you get to train your employees and streamline workflows, improving the overall customer service offering.

To improve the relationship with your customers a timely and comprehensive view is essential.
That is why the dashboard provides a picture of the trends of the Contact Center and the interactions between clients and users. All shown through an intuitive and user-friendly platform.

In a Contact Center, manual check of Vocal Orders can be a waste of time and resources.
RESI provides a tool that can automate those controls.
This tool performs automatic Vocal Order verification by transcribing them for adherence, indexing, categorization and analysis indices by means of text analysis systems for customer and user registrations.

In order to optimize the recovery time of sensitive information, the product can analyze and catalog important information through word spotting analysis from a recording.
DIRECT™ is particularly effective in extracting target data from long recorded conversations.
Multi-site registration of analog and or digital telephony as well as Call Center interactions from / to customers (inbound/outbound).
This allows, through the function of speech analytics to have a global view of the activities carried out by the Contact Center so that it can easily optimize any deficits.