RESI S.p.A. has been a technology partner of leading Service Providers for over thirty years, preserving and enhancing their most important asset, the network.
The experience and skills consolidated over the years, combined with constant investments in R&D, allow to turn the customer's actual needs into practice, by developing sophisticated ICT solutions for the management of 5G and 4G networks, and assuring a superior level of end-user quality of experience in a national and international context.
The company and its people stand out for their strong engineering know-how in the design, development and management of Service Assurance solutions based on proprietary Deep Packet Inspection technology, Quality Assurance in contact centres and Digital Tansformation for both private and public companies.
RESI Informatica's thirty years of experience in the market, allows to understand and translate into practice the needs of the customer, offering customized solutions, scalable and vertically integrated.
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Areas of expertise
RESI's solutions bring technological and consulting value across multiple market segments
RESI collaborates as a provider of ICT services and solutions with primary national and international companies and public governments.